Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) Homeopathic Treatment
Chronic suppurative otitis media or CSOM is a condition where there is persistent inflammation of the middle ear. It is even known as chronic tympanomastoiditis and chronic mastoiditis. It’s characterized by burning pain in ear accompanied by persistent discharge (otorrhoea) from the ear which may continue for a period of about 2-6 weeks. If the middle ear gets infected it builds up pressure behind eardrum or tympanic membrane which leads to severe earache. The discharge is due to perforation of tympanic membrane (eardrum).
A type of otitis media can also occur without tympanic perforation when middle ear gets filled with fluid without any infection. Acute CSOM is mainly a result of some bacterial, viral or fungal infection which may enter the ear from throat, leading to pus formation in middle ear. It can also be accompanied by severe bleeding. Acute infection causes inflammation and irritation in mucosa of middle ear which generates mucosal ulcerations and breaks down epithelial lining. This disease may even result in hearing loss of varied severity. Usually children under the age of seven are most prone to this disease.
Following are some common symptoms which one might experience while suffering from the disease-
- Earache
- Fever
- Headaches
- Mild deafness
- Discharge from that particular ear
- Loss of appetite
- Having difficulty in sleeping.
- Dizziness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Sneezing and coughing
CSOM might occur due to any of the causes mentioned below-
- Infection caused by some viral, fungal or bacterial pathogens.
- Some infection in the outer ear left untreated thus spreading to the inner or middle ear.
- Blowing nose so hard that Eustachian material is forced into your middle ear.
- Having a persistent head cold.
- Obstruction of Eustachian tube.
- Improper treatment of acute otitis media.
Homeopathy has done wonders in treating varied symptoms of CSOM with the help of proven remedies. Some of these effective remedies are-
BELLADONNA– This remedy cures acute otitis and is indicated with digging and tearing pain in the ear, which could be sudden and violent and tends to get worse at night. It helps in treating the infection in tympanic membrane.
PULSATILLA– It’s one of the best remedies for ear problems. It helps to stabilize darting pain when ear gets red hot and swollen and provides a relief from middle ear inflammation. This remedy even helps you to get respite from frequent ear discharge, mild deafness and a sensation as if ears are blocked up. It also arrests itching in the ears.
CAPSICUM– This homeopathic remedy helps in case of rupturing of the tympanic membrane. It relieves chronic ear suppurations accompanied by chilliness and bursting headaches. It also cures symptoms like burning pains in ears and pain in throat and perforation of the eardrum coupled with yellow discharge.

Plot no:41,
Street No:11 (Near the Telecom Nagar Park Gate),
Telecom Nagar, Gachibowli,
Hyderbad-33, INDIA.

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