Case History – Homepathy for children
There is a growing perception that homeopathy is “safe” for children especially those suffering with “developmental” (delayed milestones like cutting teeth, walking, talking, inability to gain weight etc.) problems and “low immunity” (frequent colds, coughs, respiratory problems, digestive problems, food sensitivities etc.). Many children have been helped with this natural way of healing.
Diarrhea – A 3-year female child was brought to us with the complaint of frequent “loose motions” since the time she was 2-years old. She was a full term normal delivery child with no post vaccination history of fever, loose motion, weight loss etc. She was breastfed and all her milestones were normal. Her parents were not able to decide what foods caused her problem. She had a normal thirst/appetite with a craving for “sour foods”- pickles, citrus fruits etc.
and seemed to have a loose motion after every meal. She did not gain weight. Stool exam and blood tests were negative for worms and her iron was quite low. Surprisingly, despite her appearance her activity levels were normal and she was active in her playschool. She kicked off her blankets when she was sleeping and liked the windows to be opened even during winters. She perspired quite a lot when she was sleeping and would wet her pillow. She was restless in bed when she was sleeping and the bed was “quite a mess” when she got up in the morning.
Our first prescription was just based on her “physical generalities”-cravings for sour food, and open air.
This resulted in the decrease in the frequency of loose motions and the child began to “put on flesh” in about 3-4 weeks. But the parents noticed that her “chest problems” that she had when she was an infant seemed to have “come back”- snuffles, tendency to catch cold easily, a dry rasping cough which was more during the night.
Our second prescription was based on this new information and the cough and the chest problems abated in about 10 days. She steadily gained weight, there was improvement in her appetite and her tendency to catch cold easily was “blunted”. The most noticeable thing in this child was that after she started homeopathy, she did not sweat at all during sleep!! We asked them to discontinue the medicines after about 3 months after giving this child a constitutional drug based on her family history.

Dr. Nanduri’s homeopathic clinic is the best homeopathy clinic in gachibowli that provides efficient homeopathic treatment and patient care.
Plot No. 4-A, Street Number 11, Beside Prasad Motors, Sri Shyam Nagar, Telecom Nagar, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana 500033
- +91 99890 57925
- [email protected]